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7 Marketing Tips for Enriching an Indirect Lending Program

Marketing solutions can help you grow your indirect lending programs. See how with this helpful infographic.

With rate hikes, supply chain issues, and a cloudy business outlook, 2022 has certainly been a rollercoaster year for the world of lending. The good news is that auto lending is still projected to be strong in the back half of the year – benefiting from a “perfect storm” of high loan volume and loan amounts.

At Lending Tech Live ’22, the breakout session: Best Practices for Enriching an Indirect Lending Program, we discussed ways credit unions can capture auto loan growth through indirect lending. Featuring Origence’s own Brit Barker, senior vice president of sales, and Jay Carstons, senior vice president of client experience, the session covered tips for growing your program, including implementing efficient marketing strategies.

Check out the infographic below that calls out some of the key ideas from the conference, and dig deeper into the topic of indirect lending with these resources:

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